Fashion Design student

I am currently a year 2 student Apparel Design and Merchandising (fashion design) course at Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore.

I wish to develop my skills in handling with the different illustration tools and having better understanding about working in fashion design industry. With the given opportunity, I hope to gain more experience working with the leaders of the industry and constantly contribute to the company with the skills that I have learnt.

Personal Mini Project:

Make Up, make me up


Tactile Design

In this project, i ad sellected Dior's 2017 Runway by John Galliano which the theme was about Japanese culture. My Tactile final outcome will be focusing on this theme by using the heavy workshop equipments.

Fashion IMaging

The 90s

These photo shoots are taken by me after selecting the 90s Hong Kong style as my theme. The make up and outfits are all done by me, taken in a studio by trying different lighting and angles. Some editings are also done after the shoots to fit the theme closer.

Modern GouacheElements-18

Editing examples

Apparel DEsign Project:

The Revengers

In my Apparel Design Project 1, i had worked with recyling and upcycling unwanted garments into new pieces surrounding the theme -- Deforestation.

Concept: destroy & revenge. Humans in their selfish pursuit of materialistic goals cause inevitable damage to the environment, whereby they would often tear down trees and threaten animal lives. These would relegate the helpless animals into a dark cycle of damage, and a new concept of reverse characterization is born. In these artworks, the “victims” are taking revenge - suggesting that now humans are at the mercy of the once subjugated animals.

I had made use of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create motifs and prints which later on can be used for Cricut Machine and adding it on to the garments.

This is some of the textile manipulation i had done using thrifted garments and recycling materials.

Final 5 outfit illustration, followed by final photoshoot.

This ADP outfit has been selected to be part of a fashion parade that is organized by Sunsettled Team by RP, and is powered by National Youth Council.

DEsign Project:

Love, No End'

In my Apparel Design Project 2, Temasek Polytechnic had collaborated with SIA and we were given these unwanted pillow case or blankets to work on to product the garments. Techniques such as fabric dying are largely used in this project.

This is some of the textile manipulation i had done using thrifted garments and recycling materials.

Final Outcome


This 5 designs are done with zero waste draping.











Draping a gown with bustier, followed by sewing it up.

Visual presentatuon

By using Adobe tools, i had design the layoutnof posters and contents of each of the designers or brands i had selected. I worked on the fonts, the way texts is organised and the images selected.


I had make use of drafting skills in varies assignmnets. The process include masterplan, creating pattern pieces and sewing up the pieces into the gamrnets.

My Resume